The last Giambattista Valli Couture show was the fruit of an imaginary meeting between the designer's two muses, Talitha Getty et Peggy Guggenheim. Still, Valli's style clearly appeared through the floral prints and embroidery and light colors. Tutus of tulle and feathers reshaped the silhouette a reminded us of the importance of volume. The more the show went on, the more we entered a world of eccentricity where tulle found itself laying down the floor. And P.S., let's not forget one of Giambattista Valli's signature: the combination of dresses and pants, that he can handle without putting aside elegance and femininity.
Harry Styles is known for being part of the well-known band One Direction, but also for his outfits and his taste for fashion. Indeed, at 21 years old only, the singer's looks helped him gained eminence in the fashion world, even though he is already considered a fashion icon. Harry's style is very particular. He usually wears extra-skinny jeans, printed shirts widely unbuttoned and boots. He wears a lot of Saint Laurent – which is doubtless his favorite brand – as well as some Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton. He kind of is the new Mick Jagger, in terms of fashion. In fact, his style could be described as rock n' roll chic, which explains his love for Saint Laurent – whose image was reinvented by Hedi Slimane . If Harry was a brand, he would definitely be Saint Laurent, which is one of the biggest names in fashion nowadays, especially in menswear. We would love seeing him walk for the iconic brand he does justice and is loyal to. But you know that for ...
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